Blogrock's Blob

Pelican First Thoughts

After having worked through most of setting up Pelican for this blog, I can say that I'm a bit surprised at how much functionality is actually included. The general updating process is a bit more than what I'd expect, though it feels like some of the complexities of working with the multiple facets of a dynamically-generated site are swapped in favor of a single order of commands to generate things. Overall, it seems like less to maintain in the longrun, though the commands are a bit less intuitive to me at the moment.

I'm currently still a bit confused as to whether I can leverage Jinja2 in this realm, or if it's moreso something that's limited to only specific use cases. That'll likely be resolved once I actually read the docs. Overall, I feel this might be a step in the right direction with my blog. I really didn't write much with the previous one, and I wouldn't be surprised if this one also goes down the same path. Still, if the need to publish my thoughts arises, this medium seems to have a bit less of a barrier to publishing than the past setups.

Cheers, bobrock